Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Maybe you need a few reasons. How about 50?
Why wait until New Year to start to get healthy and look great when you can do it by Thanksgiving?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What could you survive on?

Everyone likes to receive gifts. Consider this my gift to you. Thats exactly what Isagenix has been to me, a fabulous gift. Our compensation plan is for anyone looking to change their life. Audrye explains how we make So Much Money! You Can Too! She is what we like to call a 5 star golden circle. Which basically means an average income of $280,000.00- $470,000.00 a year. Audrye is #3 income earner for 18-25 Year olds in Isagenix WorldWide.
Could you survive on that for an annual income? If you would like to learn more pm.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Excuse? Yup, that's all it is.

  Are you looking for inspiration? Are you looking for a reason to get healthly? You are worth it  and deserve it! That should be enough to finally start doing something about your health. Have you really looked around you the last time you were out in public? If not do it! No, I am not crazy. Really look around and what do you see? Would you say you see more healthly looking or unhealthy people? It truly saddens me. Especially the children. There are so many people that are over weight and unhealthy. I'm a true believer that skinny does not automatically mean healthly. So don't assume the person next to you that is skinny as a rail is healthy.
  Don't let excuses stop you from being who you were truly meant to be. If you wake up every morning with no energy, work out but, never see the scale move, if you can't sleep at night, always feel bloated, and the list could go on and on. BASICALLY if you aren't feeling well and are wishing life would change, GUESS WHAT !!! It will never change until you make it change. Stop wishing for it and making excuses as to why you can't be healthly. There is really not one reason why you can't be happy and healthy except, you don't really want it. If you did, you would make it happen!!

This is my story-


Thursday, October 9, 2014

What are you really eating? Why are you eating this way?

  This article is very interesting. How many key points did you really know? As a mom I'm concerned with my children's nutrition and I found this to really hit home. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say they give their children treats for good behavior or an accomplishment. But, what you really are doing is setting them up for poor eating habits later on in life. Children learn from examples.
  When something is bothering them to cheer them up, do you give them a cookie or a cupcake? What are you serving for breakfast? Is it power food that will provide them with energy or high in sugar and carbohydrates that will slow them down and make them tired? What about their school lunches? Are you providing fresh fruit and vegetables or fruit roll ups and cookies? Do you run through a fast food drive through several times a week because you don't have time to prepare a healthy meal?
   All of these choices will determine what type of eating habits your children will have when they are adults. So maybe we should take a step back and look at our lives. Are you living the life you dreamed of? Do you have the job of your dreams? Do you feel like you only work to pay someone else to care of your children? Are you so busy with your job that you have no time to prepare healthy nutritionous food for your family? When you do have time to cook, what are you cooking?
  Not only have I changed my eating habits and lifestyle but, I'm changing my financial lifestyle too. I'm going to live the life I dreamt of not just talk about. If you are interested in making a change to your life let me know. I would love to help you get start on your way to a healthy new way of life.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

What a difference 4 months of healthy nutrition can do. Not only do I feeling younger, I look younger.

There is a healthy you.

This is a very powerful photo.  The healthy you is inside you waiting to come out. Do you want to look and feel healthy but, really have no idea where or how to get there? Reach out to me. I was trapped too and found a way to break free and I would love to share with you how I did it.
I'm tired of just making a living to make ends meet.  I want to do what I want,  when I want, & with who I want.  Who's with me? Can you imagine waking up everyday and to be able to do what you want? Oh,  I can & I will! Life isn't meant to live pay to pay check, working all day just to spend an hour or two a day with your loved ones,  working to fulfill someone else's dream, or  just to pay someone else to raise your children. You can earn an income  for yourself, around your schedule, in your home, or while on vacation, while raising your children, while your sleeping, or simply living the life you always have dreamed of. Ask me how today.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

To eat healthy or not to eat healthy........

How important is your health when you are recovering from sickness and/or injury? Do you feel that healthy eating is more or less important when you are not a 100%? Here's a great article on how important your daily food intake really is. 


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Reach for your goals!

Do you ever wish you could change something about your health?   Do you feel like it's really impossible to do? That's exactly how I felt about 4 1/2 months. I knew I needed to lose weight but, really had no idea how and felt like I would never be able to do it. I didn't want to tell anyone what I was going to be doing because the thought of failure with my friends and family watching would be too embarrassing. Plus you always have someone who wants to rain on your parade and tell you a million reasons why you shouldn't do it. The killer about those types of people, they really have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Lol.
Thank goodness I found I set my mind to  Well, now I'm so close to the 50 lbs. mark. Thanks to #cellularcleansing.  I'm going to weigh myself on Friday & remeasure. I'm really hoping to make it. I always feel like the inches are the icing on the cake. Lol. Wish me luck. 😉

Thursday, August 21, 2014


What are you doing to strengthen your core? When I first started working on my core I remember struggling with planks.  My lower back was very weak.  I've had three c-sections and ever since I've struggled with back pain. Now I've gotten more weight off and I really enjoy planks.  I'm also a big fan of moutian climbers now.  It's amazing how losing weight can change your life in so many ways. Here's an article of some really fun core exercises.  Enjoy!


Monday, August 18, 2014

What have you been doing in the last 30 days to make your health better?

Has your health changed in the last 30 days?  Can you imagine how it could have changed if you would have just taken that first step? The pictures below are the before and after pictures of what we've accomplished. Ask us how to make your health change today.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Have you considered Isagenix?

If you want more information on how to improve your health, and create a residual income to help pay the bills with the possibility of surpassing your current income and putting you on your way to acheiving financial freedom while helping others, contact me today!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Top 14 best vegetables

VEGGIES!! Wether you like cooked, boiled, fresh, or steamed veggies are you eating enough vegetables? They are a very important part of your diet. Here is a list of the top 14 best vegetables.


Do you feel bloat regularly? You shouldn't have to live uncomfortable because of bloating. Look at the food your eating. Are you eating foods that cause inflammation? Before starting isagenix I was constantly bloated. Once I started cleasning I noticed my bloating went away. I am no longer in painN and uncomfortable. Now I stay away from foods that cause inflammation. Here is a list for you to help keep you from  having the same problem. Of course, I suggest cleasning to release the toxins in your body and get your body ready for a healthy new way of life.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Is kale in your diet?

Have you ever tried  kale. We decided to grow it in our garden this year and out of all of our veggies the kale went crazy. It was almost like it was on steriods. Kale is on the top of the list for healthy foods! Have a look!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cold Shower

Are you prepared to freeze?? My son has told me for a very long time that he likes to take cold showers. I always advise him against it. I worried it would be bad for him, but I guess I was wrong.  Now to try and convince myself to try it. I'm not sure if I'm prepared to freeze. 😨

Monday, August 11, 2014

Do you look for your name on the Coke label?

Have you really ever thought about what you drink?  Whether you call it a soda, pop, soft drink or Coke, your name doesn't have to be on the bottle for this stuff to slowly kill you and your kids. If Coke is going to promote swapping logos for customized names, let's label it what it is: obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, heart disease, elevated BP, cavities, gum disease, cravings, allergies, kidney damage, osteoporosis, dehydration, stroke...
I have several freinds that use this for cleaning their toilets.  Yuck! If it is strong enough to clean toilets can you imagine what it does to your body? No way would I want to drink this or give it to my children.  So, the next time you reach for a soda think about using it to clean your toilet instead of destroing your insides.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


How many times have you felt like your life should be different? I know I just had a melt down yesterday because my day wasn't going the way I wanted it to. Being a mom of four teenagers (well, 3 teens and 1 adult which I find hard to admit my first born is an adult and going to be having her own child soon) my role as a mother has changed and sometimes I don't like it. As your children grow they no longer need you for things and they seem to spend less and less time at home. So I am finding I have to changes things in my personal life to make my life what I want it to be. I'm also realizing that I no longer want to work my 7:30-5:15 J.O.B. I am tried of working long hours Monday - Friday and never having the time to do what I really want to do because on the weekends house work and shopping needs to be done. SO, I have decided to change that too. I'm sure if you have been following my blog you have noticed I recently changed my lifestyle. I started eating healthy and exercising. During the last 15 weeks I've successfully changed my body with help from an amazing company called Isagenix. Well I recruit my husband over and he too has had amazing health results. Now we have seen the light I guess you could say and are taking on the business side of the company. We have been blessed by many things since Isagenix has come into our lives. Health, happiness, friends, and we are on our way to financial  freedom. I found this picture and quote today and it just fit perfectly for how I have been feeling. So my message to you today is what ever is happening in your life that you are not happy with make the changes today to start living the life you want. You only have one life to live why not making the one it was meant to be?? 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Our brains are truly amazing.

It's amazing how our gastrointestinal tract and brain communicate with one another. This is an interesting article about the connection of the two.

The gut-brain connection - Harvard Health Publications

Friday, August 8, 2014

Does time and financial freedom mean something to you?

I want you to sit back and think what if?

What if you could work from anywhere

Make what you choose

Surround yourself with people who raise you up

Be home with your children

Live where you want

Travel anywhere you want , when ever you want

Give back as much as you want

Look how you choose to look

Have the body you desire and dream of

Be home for EVERY Holiday

Attend every school event

Spend time becoming the person you choose

Live happy and fulfilled DAILY

Well this is the life we are chosing and the life we now show others how to live!

It's all possible when you CHOOSE to take the road less traveled. The extraordinary one. The ordinary road leads to dead ends, struggle and pain. 
The extraordinary road leads you to ABUNDANCE, DREAMS and HAPPINESS. 

Does time and financial freedom mean something to you?

Are you tired of working to fulfill someone else's dream?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

We love cellular cleansing? Do you want to know why?  When you provide optimal nutritional food  and cellular cleansing, your body will experience a health and wellness transformation. It's a
100% guarantee. Why would you not want to be the healthest you could possibly be?? Ask you how to get started.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Let's talk business.

Are you looking to change you health and wealth?

Have you been looking for a change to your health? Well look no further. This system works. This is my husband David. He was a little skeptical when I came home 16 weeks and said I'm going to start a nutritional cleanse. Shortly after starting I was getting amazing results. So needless to say David decided to give it a try. Well isagenix has pretty awesome products so of course he too is having amazing results. We are so thankful to have discovered this program not only have we changed our health but we are finding financial freedom. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What would you spend on healthy food? Less than you might think.

What is your health worth to you? What would you pay for high quality nutrient meals? Now think about how much you spend on Inferior foods you purchase at the  grocery store and  eating out! Guess what ?? Isagenix can actually Save you money! Plus you have ability to make residual money.


What are your hopes and dreams? Do you ever wish they would just magically  happen?  Do they mean enough to you to go after them? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make them a reality? Have you had the opportunity to change your life? Did you take it or turn it done?   Would you take it if you were offered it again? Many times people forget about their dreams because they are afraid to step out of their comfort zone. The only way to turn your dreams into a reality is to be willing to do what it takes to get there.  Are you ready to reach for your dreams?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Wondering what cellular cleansing can do for you?

 Technically it can be considered fasting as you are giving your body a break from digesting food.  The best analogy that I can use to describe cleansing is to imaging that a grocery store closed for a week but all of the employees still showed up to work as usual that week.  This may seem insane because without customers the store would go out of business, but if there were no customers to deal with and clean up after for a whole week a lot of things could get done that there normally isn't time to do.  Every inch of the floor could be cleaned and polished, all of the walls could be re-painted, all of the old electrical wiring could be stripped out and replaced with faster and more energy efficient wiring that would eventually save the store a lot of money in the long run, and when the week was over it would look like a brand new store on the inside and they could have a "grand re-opening".  This is exactly what will happen to the inside of your body if you cleanse after having eaten a poor diet for several years.  At a grocery store the customers come first and in the human body digesting food comes first, so if there is no food to digest for 2 days your body won't simply take time off and do nothing, but will instead in it's infinite wisdom spend that time working on things that it normally doesn't have time to deal with because there is constantly new food entering the body that needs to be digested, assimilated, and eliminated. This is what cellular cleansing can do for you.

What are you waiting for?

I've been giving my body the most optimal nutrition possible for the last 14 weeks. I have been extremely happy with my results. I didn't really want to try a diet. Diets might work temporary but once you stop you gain back the weight you worked so hard to lose and sometimes more. I really needed a complete change. My eating habits were  horrible and I had no energy. So when I heard about cellular cleansing I was intrigued. This system is a sustainable lifestyle,  not a weight loss program. Its a body composition system that helps build lean muscle  while burning fat. The cleanse supports the bodies natural cleansing processes with whole food nutrition. Which is exactly what I was looking for. My clothes have been falling off of me and I've had to go shopping. So I decided to finally clean out my closet. I have huge piles of clothes that no longer fit. YAY!! I feel like I'm dreaming. It's so hard to believe how much weight and inches I've lost. Now I see nothing is impossible. I wish for everyone who has a goal to go for it. Don't wait, don't make excuses. Just go for it. You only have one body and one life why not take care of it. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Let's talk about snacks.

Healthy Snacks are actually an  important part of your daily intake and will assist you in your weight loss. Going for more than 3 hours without eating anything usually leads to overeating during meals. Snacks should be eaten between meals to help prevent overeating about every 2.5 hours and should be  under 90 calories. By doing this you  will keep your metabolism going, give you energy and make sure your  sugar levels are where they should be. By choosing the right snacks this will make all the difference in the world wether your goal is to lose weight or energy and performance. Choose nutrient-rich foods like Fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, fiber snacks, slim cakes, whey thins, or  hummus. These are just some ideas to keep you moving through out the day. What you choose to snack on daily is just as important as what you eat  for your meals. This will help you achieve your health goals  and keep you going throughout the day. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who is up for a challenge?

Are you wanting to make a healthy life style change, but not sure where or how to begin ? That's exactly how I felt 13 weeks ago. I was blessed the day I found cellular cleansing. I've been able to completely transform my eating habits and body. I would love to able to share this with you and anyone you know that would like to change their life. Every first step takes  you closer to your dream.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Who doesn't want a 6 pack?

  • Having a six pack was the furthest from my mind. As my body is changing I'm seeing that nothing is impossible with Isagenix products. This article has really surprised me. Take a look and see what you think. Are you wanting to change your body but feel it will never happen? It can happen you just need to make the change.


Contrary to popular belief, a six-pack is not made in the gym—it's made in the kitchen. Sure, you have to build some muscle if you want definition, but to reveal those coveted abs, your diet

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Temptations are everywhere.

HAve you ever been tempted? I think we all have. This is a helpful article on temptation.


Ever feel like your willpower to eat healthy dwindles as the day goes on? Whether it’s vending machine goodies that tempt you in the afternoon or late-night dessert cravings before bed, studies have shown here.

Changes are amazing me

I'm going on vacation this week and I decided to get my hair cut and change the color. I have to say I love it. So I wanted to share this with my friends on facebook. As I was posting my photo I happen to go through my photo gallery on my phone and I found a photo that I took prior to the start of my cleanse. Well boy, oh boy was I shocked when I compared that photo with my photo from today. I guess we really never see ourselves for what we truly look like when we are so unhappy with ourselves. I have to tell you I really feel like I look so much healthier. Not just because I lost fat in my face but I look younger and almost glowing. I truly couldn't be happier. Okay well I still have more to lose so maybe I can. My journey to  a new life style has been amazing. So whether you are looking to lose weight, get toned with unbelievable energy and performance,and  become over all healthier, this company has a solution for you. Did I mention the incredible healthy aging products with product B or the wealth creation?? If you are living in a body you don't want to be in and/or working a job you really don't want this could be what you've been waiting for.

Why do people cleanse? What is a cleanse?

A nutritional cleanse is a whole-body, internal cleanse using high quality nutritional elements that have been synergistically blended for efficient absorbability and maximum impact while giving the body an environment to release impurities, rejuvenate and replenish lean mass thereby greatly improving energy levels and overall health and wellness. If the nutrients we ingest cannot permeate our cells, the quality of what we are eating has no effect. Our bodies were not meant to have to digest plastics and all the other environmental pollution – indoors and outdoors – that we are all exposed to on a daily basis. Cleansing at the cellular level simply enables the cells to perform optimally in a naturally healthy state.
There are 3 main reasons people start our programs. Many of us are interested in more than one of these reasons. Which would benefit you most?
1.     Accelerated Weight Loss
Fast, safe and effective release of toxic fat
Reduction of inches
Increased lean mass
Long term body fat ratio stability
2. Overall Health and Wellness
Increased energy & Mental clarity
Positive emotional stability
Healthy sleep patterns
Improved immune system
3. Peak Performance
Endurance & Strength
Mind-body connection
Lean mass enhancement
Desired body fat ratio

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Everyone has their why. What's your why?

 Why? Why do you want to be healthy? Have you ever asked yourself that? Do you know why? I challenge you to make a list of why  you would like to be healthier. Everyone has a reason, some more than others. Are you living in the body you don't want to be in? Are you ashamed of what you see when you look in the mirror? How many times have you bought an outfit you didn't really like but it was the only thing you could fit into? Do you hide from cameras or behind someone in the shot with you?
Now my question to you is what are you gonna do about it? So many times people have no problem investing in eating out, Starbucks, ice cream, the list goes on and on but when it comes to their health they don't want to spend money. Not to mention the dr. Visits due to poor health. What are you willing to invest?

Chicken in Orange Sauce

Chicken in Orange Sauce

  • 4 - 4 oz chicken breasts (or turkey)
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 medium onion sliced
  • 1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce, low sodium
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 4 teaspoon sherry
  1. Brown chicken pieces under broiler
  2. Place in a Pam-coated casserole dish
  3. Sprinkle with paprika
  4. Arrange onion slices over chicken
  5. Combine juice concentrate, brown sugar, parsley, soy sauce, ginger, water, and sherry. Pour over chicken and onions.
  6. Cover and simmer until chicken is tender (approx. 35-45 min).

Side Dish Suggestions: 
  • Side Dish Suggestions brown rice
  • Steamed carrots with raisins
  • Steamed green beans

yummy protein pancakes

Protein Pancakes

  • 6 egg whites beaten until fluffy
  • 1/2 cup uncooked old fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese
  • 1/2 scoop IsaLean Vanilla
  • 1/2 scoop IsaPro
  • ¼ cup IsaCrunch
  • ¼ cup wheat germ
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • Optional ingredients – 4 IsaDelight Plus chopped, ½ cup blueberries or 1 scoop IsaFruits
Place all ingredients into blender except egg whites. Pulse until mixture is uniform. Pour into bowl and fold in egg whites. Heat griddle, cook and serve.
Makes 6 pancakes

Friday, July 4, 2014

Balanced meal, What's that?

Preparing a well balanced, healthy meal could become overwhelming. Have you ever thought what exactly makes a balanced meal? The following essential components are needed - complex carbohydrates, lean protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and  healthy fats. I have to say the best part for me with isagenix is its a no brainer. During my weight loss stage I have 2 meal replacement shakes and a balanced meal. I simply follow a suggestive guide and include all the categories I mentioned above and bam I have a well balanced meal. You need to have 300-600 calories. 
Its important that you provide your body with a quality source of protein, this will help you feel satisfied longer, support muscle growth, and keep your metabolism going strong. For the optimal amount of protein you should have between 20 to 35 grams per meal. The right amount critical.
Complex carbohydrates provide a steady source of energy which your body needs. 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, or whole-grain pasta are healthy choices. Sweet potatoes, yams, beans, lentils, or a corn tortilla can also provide you with the fuel you need.   Any of these choices are low-glycemic and shouldn’t cause dramatic spikes in blood sugar that could lead to a crash.
Most fruits and vegetables have so few calories and are so densely packed with nutrients, including fiber, that there’s no strict limit to portion size, so adding more can be a great way to raise volume of your meal and help fill you up without over consuming calories. Fill half your plate at each meal with 2 to 3 cups of fruits and vegetables such as apple, pear, berries, broccoli, kale, spinach, steamed vegetables, or a mixed green salad. To add some color to my  plate, I add sliced tomatoes, or bell peppers.

 Healthy fats are important to your body’s health. I love to add pumpkin, sunflower, or sesame seeds to my salads.

Oh don't forget to add spices to your food. Who doesn't want a little flavor like fresh herbs and spices. I add cinnamon to my shakes. I absolutely love it. Plus cinnamon helps to boost your metabolism, same as cayenne pepper. Don't be afraid to spice up your food with seasonings.

So there you have it. A simple way to make sure you are getting a well balanced meal.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Let's get your body shaking!

Who wants to get shaking? I'm excited to offer to you just what you might need after the fourth of July.  Join me in this 30 day Summer Body Shaker! Contact me to order your 30 day cleasne by July 1 to ensure arrival  by July 7. Once you've ordered your cleanse you will need to sign up for the 30 day Summer Body Shaker with the link below.  I have been nutritional cleansing for 2 1/2 months now, and it has completely changed my life . Erin is leading a group cleanse since she has had amazing results (see her pics in the flyer!) and if you want to join in please do! We have 250 people signed up which is insane!! Let's do this. 

Wow! This makes you see things a little differently.
This is for those who want to tell you they are a big boned person .. That's a myth!!
The skeletal and organ construct is that of a skinny person regardless.

Why isagenix you say? Here's why.

Have you thought about why isagenix works for so many people? This is what sets isagenix apart from the others.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Can you say OMG!

Isagenix millionaires #111 wow!!


Recipe for cookies. Yes, I did say cookies!

FunnY what worries you.

I was so afraid when I started losing weight I would have all this extra skin and have to have surgery to remove it. Well check this out. It's all in the shakes. They are formulated with additional amino acids to retract the skin. You work so hard to get your body healthy who wants to spend extra money to have it removed? Not me!
It's so funny to me how first  I was worried about getting the weight off and getting healthy. Then I started getting thinner and realize that me skin is getting lose and flabby. So I started thinking what would I do? Would I have to have surgery to remove the extra skin? Nope guess not because my skins starting to tighten and I find this. How  awesome is this?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Are you living out your goals?

  Are you a goal oriented person? I have never been the type of person that  writes down my goals. I have many goals and I make a plan how to accomplish them and go from there. Not anymore. I'm finding by writing them down and checking them off as I accomplish them not only helps me to to reach my goal faster but, is more rewarding  when my list is gets smaller and smaller.
  Now let's talk about our goals. Where do you see yourself in the future? Where do you see your career going? What about vacation? Do you spend your free time doing what you want to do? How many of us are spending the majority of our day working for a company or person making their dreams come true but have forgotten about our own? Spending 8-10 hours at work with people we might not want to be spending that much time with. Are you even doing what you want to be doing? Are you making the money you wish you were making? Are you living pay check to pay check? Do you have goals? Some of you might be saying "goals?, what's that?" What are your goals?  My goals are for my family and myself to become healthier, to work from home and help as many people become healthier and financially free. I want to spend more time with my family traveling and less time working. My list goes on and on. Now I found a way to make all my goals come true.
  A few months ago I had an amazing thing happen. I found the most amazing company that has not only changed my healthy but my bank account.  Isagenix is a solution based business. Weight loss, healthy aging, skincare, energy & Performance & wealth creation. I have been so blessed since I found Isagenix and I'm fortunate to be able to  share this  vehicle that could set you financially and physically free.
  Are you ready to make your goals come true?

Awesome article from Ordinary Vegan

A Vegan Guide For a Gluten-Free & Soy-Free Diet

Yesterday one of our Ordinary Vegan facebook community members reached out to me for help. She wants to embrace a vegan diet, but cannot eat soy or wheat. She needed help finding the right foods to eat. I believe it is extremely easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein, vitamins and minerals even if you are gluten and soy free. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and seeds contain protein and the essential nutrients your body needs. I recommend including high protein grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and veggies to your diet everyday. There are many opinions on how much protein a person needs, but I suggest 50 grams a day for a woman and 60 for a man. You can always make adjustments to that. So here are some good rules to follow and a mix and match list of high protein foods to enjoy on a soy-free, gluten-free vegan diet.
Rule #1
Never believe anything on the front of a package. As we have all learned recently, natural does not mean organic.
Rule #2
Always read the nutritional facts and ingredients list. Some natural gluten-free products can be contaminated by wheat. Check that label to make sure.
Rule #3
Stay away from all processed foods even if they are vegan, soy and gluten-free. Processed foods are full of unknown ingredients and high levels of sodium.
Rule #4
Watch out for too much saturated unhealthy fat from cooking oils, vegan butters, processed crackers, bagels, cereals and tortillas even if they are vegan. Use veggie broth instead of oil when sauteing.
Rule #5
Mix and match high-protein foods everyday from the list below. Try to include sources of protein in every meal and snack. Get your vitamins and minerals from leafy greens, veggies and fruits. ps The wonderful thing about a plant-based diet, you can eat all the natural foods you want without counting calories.
LEGUMES (one cup)
BAKED BEANS ….12.2 grams of protein
BLACK BEANS ….15.2 grams of protein
CHICKPEAS………11.9 grams of protein
KIDNEY BEANS….15.4 grams of protein
LENTILS…………..17.9 grams of protein
LIMA BEANS……..14.7 grams of protein
NAVY BEANS…….15.8 grams of protein
DRIED PEAS……….8.6 grams of protein
PINTO BEANS……14.0 grams of protein
SPLIT PEAS……….16.4 grams of protein
BLACK-EYED PEAS…11 grams of protein
WHOLE GRAINS  (one cup cooked)
QUINOA………………..8 grams of protein
BROWN RICE……..5 grams of protein
AMARANTH…………9 grams of protein
BUCKWHEAT BERRIES…10 grams of protein
MILLET………………6 grams of protein
POLENTA………….5 grams of protein
POPCORN (one ounce)….3 grams of protein
SORGHUM…………10 grams of protein
WILD RICE…………..7 grams of protein (*Bob’s Red Mill makes many gluten-free grains and available on-line)
ALMONDS………………….8 grams protein
CASHEWS…………………5 grams protein
WALNUTS…………………5 grams protein
PISTACHIOS……………..6 grams protein
PINE NUTS……………….4.5 grams protein
SUNFLOWER SEEDS….6 grams protein
PUMPKIN SEEDS……….3 grams protein
SPINACH………………….5 grams protein
BROCCOLI……………….4 grams protein
PEAS………………………..9 grams protein
POTATO (MED)……….4 grams of protein
CORN……………………..5 grams of protein
KALE………………………2.5 grams of protein
SWEET POTATO……4 grams of protein
BRUSSEL SPROUTS….4 grams of protein
SWISS CHARD……..3.4 grams of protein
ASPARAGUS………..4.6 grams of protein (Eat all and any veggies you want)
APPLES, BANANAS, ORANGES & STRAWBERRIES are packed with essential vitamins and approximately .5-1 gram of protein.
FIGS (10 dried)………….5.7 grams of protein
RAISINS……………………4.8 grams of protein
ASIAN NOODLES are delicious and mostly gluten-free. They are made from ingredients like acorns, mung beans and sweet potatoes. Rice noodles are made from rice flour. Soba noodles are made from buckwheat.
PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS (always check with your doctor and have blood tests to check for deficiencies)
B-12 SUPPLEMENT IRON SUPPLEMENT PROTEIN SHAKES –  I personally forgo the pills and powders and consume fresh whole foods instead, but here are many plant-based, gluten and soy free nutritional powders you can buy.
ALMOND MILK (one cup)………………………1.5 grams of protein
COCONUT MILK (one cup)……………………1 gram of protein
1. Use vinegars on greens and nutritional yeast on popcorn to add flavor.
2. Hummus is a wonderful high-protein snack. Serve with carrots, cucumbers,  cherry tomatoes or spread on pita bread with cucumbers & sprouts.
3. Make lots of salads and top with high protein nuts.
4. Use frozen fruits for topping almond milk yogurt, oatmeal or for smoothies.
5. Make a vegan, gluten-free banana bread for quick and easy snacking.
6. Use organic maple syrup as a sweetener. Delicious on baked sweet potatoes.
7. When you crave ice cream – try some almond milk ice cream. Equally as delicious.
8. Call ahead to restaurants to make sure they have gluten-free, vegan meals.
9. If you live in an area where stores aren’t carrying many gluten-free, vegan products and grains, shop on-line for products.
10.When someone asks what you want for xmas, tell them gift certificates to plant-based stores like Whole Foods or Bob’s Red Mill online store.
Hope  this information helps our new vegans on-board and anyone with food allergies. Please share this list with everybody you know, and encourage them to embrace a plant-based diet for the planet, for the animals and most importantly for their health.

How toxic are you?

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following statements.
 Y  N 1. I have taken antibiotics during my life.
  Y  N 2. I have gotten vaccines.
 Y  N 3. I have taken aspirin, or Tylenol, or ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain medication.
 Y  N 4. I shower and/or bathe in regular tap water.
  Y  N 5. I drink water out of the tap.
 Y  N 6. I have used plastic containers to heat my food in the microwave.
 Y  N 7. I have been in a swimming pool where chlorine was used.
  Y  N 8. I drive in a car every day.
 Y  N 9. I drive in heavy trafc.
  Y  N 10. I use hair dyes.
 Y  N 11. I use fngernail polish.
 Y  N 12. I use makeup and cosmetics.
 Y  N 13. I use moisturizers, body lotions, and sunscreens on my skin.
 Y  N 14. I use air fresheners in my house.
 Y  N 15. I use bug spray in my house.
 Y  N 16. I use standard cleaning products in my house.
 Y  N 17. I use standard soap and detergent for my skin and my clothes.
 Y  N 18. I use toothpaste with fuoride.
 Y  N 19. I eat in fast-food restaurants at least once a month.
  Y  N 20. I eat in restaurants at least once a month.
 Y  N 21. I eat products produced by large publicly traded corporations.
 Y  N 22. I buy brand-name food products that are heavily advertised on TV.
 Y  N 23. I eat pork and shellfsh.
 Y  N 24. I use artifcial sweeteners such as NutraSweet or Splenda.
 Y  N 25. I drink regular (non-diet) sodas several times a week.
 Y  N 26. I drink diet sodas several times a week.
 Y  N 27. I have fewer than 2 large bowel movements every day.
  Y  N 28. I have taken over-the-counter, nonprescription drugs.
 Y  N 29. I have taken prescription drugs in the last 5 years.
 Y  N 30. I use non-stick pans to cook with.
 Y  N 31. I use deodorant and antiperspirant.
 Y  N 32. I do not drink 8 glasses of purifed water every day.
 Y  N 33. I have never had a colonic or enema.
  Y  N 34. I live near high tension power lines.
 Y  N 35. I use a cellular phone without electromagnetic chaos protection.
  Y  N 36. I use a laptop computer with a wireless device.
  Y  N 37. I use a wireless telephone in my house.
 Y  N 38. I live within a few miles of a manufacturing plant of some kind.
 Y  N 39. I live within 100 miles of an agricultural area where produce is grown.
 Y  N 40. I live within 100 miles of ranches where livestock, cattle, chickens, or other animals are raised.

If you answered yes to any of these questions than you would benefit from celluar cleasning.