Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Maybe you need a few reasons. How about 50?
Why wait until New Year to start to get healthy and look great when you can do it by Thanksgiving?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What could you survive on?

Everyone likes to receive gifts. Consider this my gift to you. Thats exactly what Isagenix has been to me, a fabulous gift. Our compensation plan is for anyone looking to change their life. Audrye explains how we make So Much Money! You Can Too! She is what we like to call a 5 star golden circle. Which basically means an average income of $280,000.00- $470,000.00 a year. Audrye is #3 income earner for 18-25 Year olds in Isagenix WorldWide.
Could you survive on that for an annual income? If you would like to learn more pm.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Excuse? Yup, that's all it is.

  Are you looking for inspiration? Are you looking for a reason to get healthly? You are worth it  and deserve it! That should be enough to finally start doing something about your health. Have you really looked around you the last time you were out in public? If not do it! No, I am not crazy. Really look around and what do you see? Would you say you see more healthly looking or unhealthy people? It truly saddens me. Especially the children. There are so many people that are over weight and unhealthy. I'm a true believer that skinny does not automatically mean healthly. So don't assume the person next to you that is skinny as a rail is healthy.
  Don't let excuses stop you from being who you were truly meant to be. If you wake up every morning with no energy, work out but, never see the scale move, if you can't sleep at night, always feel bloated, and the list could go on and on. BASICALLY if you aren't feeling well and are wishing life would change, GUESS WHAT !!! It will never change until you make it change. Stop wishing for it and making excuses as to why you can't be healthly. There is really not one reason why you can't be happy and healthy except, you don't really want it. If you did, you would make it happen!!

This is my story-


Thursday, October 9, 2014

What are you really eating? Why are you eating this way?

  This article is very interesting. How many key points did you really know? As a mom I'm concerned with my children's nutrition and I found this to really hit home. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say they give their children treats for good behavior or an accomplishment. But, what you really are doing is setting them up for poor eating habits later on in life. Children learn from examples.
  When something is bothering them to cheer them up, do you give them a cookie or a cupcake? What are you serving for breakfast? Is it power food that will provide them with energy or high in sugar and carbohydrates that will slow them down and make them tired? What about their school lunches? Are you providing fresh fruit and vegetables or fruit roll ups and cookies? Do you run through a fast food drive through several times a week because you don't have time to prepare a healthy meal?
   All of these choices will determine what type of eating habits your children will have when they are adults. So maybe we should take a step back and look at our lives. Are you living the life you dreamed of? Do you have the job of your dreams? Do you feel like you only work to pay someone else to care of your children? Are you so busy with your job that you have no time to prepare healthy nutritionous food for your family? When you do have time to cook, what are you cooking?
  Not only have I changed my eating habits and lifestyle but, I'm changing my financial lifestyle too. I'm going to live the life I dreamt of not just talk about. If you are interested in making a change to your life let me know. I would love to help you get start on your way to a healthy new way of life.
