Sunday, June 29, 2014

Let's get your body shaking!

Who wants to get shaking? I'm excited to offer to you just what you might need after the fourth of July.  Join me in this 30 day Summer Body Shaker! Contact me to order your 30 day cleasne by July 1 to ensure arrival  by July 7. Once you've ordered your cleanse you will need to sign up for the 30 day Summer Body Shaker with the link below.  I have been nutritional cleansing for 2 1/2 months now, and it has completely changed my life . Erin is leading a group cleanse since she has had amazing results (see her pics in the flyer!) and if you want to join in please do! We have 250 people signed up which is insane!! Let's do this.

Wow! This makes you see things a little differently.
This is for those who want to tell you they are a big boned person .. That's a myth!!
The skeletal and organ construct is that of a skinny person regardless.

Why isagenix you say? Here's why.

Have you thought about why isagenix works for so many people? This is what sets isagenix apart from the others.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Can you say OMG!

Isagenix millionaires #111 wow!!

Recipe for cookies. Yes, I did say cookies!

FunnY what worries you.

I was so afraid when I started losing weight I would have all this extra skin and have to have surgery to remove it. Well check this out. It's all in the shakes. They are formulated with additional amino acids to retract the skin. You work so hard to get your body healthy who wants to spend extra money to have it removed? Not me!
It's so funny to me how first  I was worried about getting the weight off and getting healthy. Then I started getting thinner and realize that me skin is getting lose and flabby. So I started thinking what would I do? Would I have to have surgery to remove the extra skin? Nope guess not because my skins starting to tighten and I find this. How  awesome is this?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Are you living out your goals?

  Are you a goal oriented person? I have never been the type of person that  writes down my goals. I have many goals and I make a plan how to accomplish them and go from there. Not anymore. I'm finding by writing them down and checking them off as I accomplish them not only helps me to to reach my goal faster but, is more rewarding  when my list is gets smaller and smaller.
  Now let's talk about our goals. Where do you see yourself in the future? Where do you see your career going? What about vacation? Do you spend your free time doing what you want to do? How many of us are spending the majority of our day working for a company or person making their dreams come true but have forgotten about our own? Spending 8-10 hours at work with people we might not want to be spending that much time with. Are you even doing what you want to be doing? Are you making the money you wish you were making? Are you living pay check to pay check? Do you have goals? Some of you might be saying "goals?, what's that?" What are your goals?  My goals are for my family and myself to become healthier, to work from home and help as many people become healthier and financially free. I want to spend more time with my family traveling and less time working. My list goes on and on. Now I found a way to make all my goals come true.
  A few months ago I had an amazing thing happen. I found the most amazing company that has not only changed my healthy but my bank account.  Isagenix is a solution based business. Weight loss, healthy aging, skincare, energy & Performance & wealth creation. I have been so blessed since I found Isagenix and I'm fortunate to be able to  share this  vehicle that could set you financially and physically free.
  Are you ready to make your goals come true?

Awesome article from Ordinary Vegan

A Vegan Guide For a Gluten-Free & Soy-Free Diet

Yesterday one of our Ordinary Vegan facebook community members reached out to me for help. She wants to embrace a vegan diet, but cannot eat soy or wheat. She needed help finding the right foods to eat. I believe it is extremely easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein, vitamins and minerals even if you are gluten and soy free. Nearly all vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and seeds contain protein and the essential nutrients your body needs. I recommend including high protein grains, legumes, nuts, fruits and veggies to your diet everyday. There are many opinions on how much protein a person needs, but I suggest 50 grams a day for a woman and 60 for a man. You can always make adjustments to that. So here are some good rules to follow and a mix and match list of high protein foods to enjoy on a soy-free, gluten-free vegan diet.
Rule #1
Never believe anything on the front of a package. As we have all learned recently, natural does not mean organic.
Rule #2
Always read the nutritional facts and ingredients list. Some natural gluten-free products can be contaminated by wheat. Check that label to make sure.
Rule #3
Stay away from all processed foods even if they are vegan, soy and gluten-free. Processed foods are full of unknown ingredients and high levels of sodium.
Rule #4
Watch out for too much saturated unhealthy fat from cooking oils, vegan butters, processed crackers, bagels, cereals and tortillas even if they are vegan. Use veggie broth instead of oil when sauteing.
Rule #5
Mix and match high-protein foods everyday from the list below. Try to include sources of protein in every meal and snack. Get your vitamins and minerals from leafy greens, veggies and fruits. ps The wonderful thing about a plant-based diet, you can eat all the natural foods you want without counting calories.
LEGUMES (one cup)
BAKED BEANS ….12.2 grams of protein
BLACK BEANS ….15.2 grams of protein
CHICKPEAS………11.9 grams of protein
KIDNEY BEANS….15.4 grams of protein
LENTILS…………..17.9 grams of protein
LIMA BEANS……..14.7 grams of protein
NAVY BEANS…….15.8 grams of protein
DRIED PEAS……….8.6 grams of protein
PINTO BEANS……14.0 grams of protein
SPLIT PEAS……….16.4 grams of protein
BLACK-EYED PEAS…11 grams of protein
WHOLE GRAINS  (one cup cooked)
QUINOA………………..8 grams of protein
BROWN RICE……..5 grams of protein
AMARANTH…………9 grams of protein
BUCKWHEAT BERRIES…10 grams of protein
MILLET………………6 grams of protein
POLENTA………….5 grams of protein
POPCORN (one ounce)….3 grams of protein
SORGHUM…………10 grams of protein
WILD RICE…………..7 grams of protein (*Bob’s Red Mill makes many gluten-free grains and available on-line)
ALMONDS………………….8 grams protein
CASHEWS…………………5 grams protein
WALNUTS…………………5 grams protein
PISTACHIOS……………..6 grams protein
PINE NUTS……………….4.5 grams protein
SUNFLOWER SEEDS….6 grams protein
PUMPKIN SEEDS……….3 grams protein
SPINACH………………….5 grams protein
BROCCOLI……………….4 grams protein
PEAS………………………..9 grams protein
POTATO (MED)……….4 grams of protein
CORN……………………..5 grams of protein
KALE………………………2.5 grams of protein
SWEET POTATO……4 grams of protein
BRUSSEL SPROUTS….4 grams of protein
SWISS CHARD……..3.4 grams of protein
ASPARAGUS………..4.6 grams of protein (Eat all and any veggies you want)
APPLES, BANANAS, ORANGES & STRAWBERRIES are packed with essential vitamins and approximately .5-1 gram of protein.
FIGS (10 dried)………….5.7 grams of protein
RAISINS……………………4.8 grams of protein
ASIAN NOODLES are delicious and mostly gluten-free. They are made from ingredients like acorns, mung beans and sweet potatoes. Rice noodles are made from rice flour. Soba noodles are made from buckwheat.
PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS (always check with your doctor and have blood tests to check for deficiencies)
B-12 SUPPLEMENT IRON SUPPLEMENT PROTEIN SHAKES –  I personally forgo the pills and powders and consume fresh whole foods instead, but here are many plant-based, gluten and soy free nutritional powders you can buy.
ALMOND MILK (one cup)………………………1.5 grams of protein
COCONUT MILK (one cup)……………………1 gram of protein
1. Use vinegars on greens and nutritional yeast on popcorn to add flavor.
2. Hummus is a wonderful high-protein snack. Serve with carrots, cucumbers,  cherry tomatoes or spread on pita bread with cucumbers & sprouts.
3. Make lots of salads and top with high protein nuts.
4. Use frozen fruits for topping almond milk yogurt, oatmeal or for smoothies.
5. Make a vegan, gluten-free banana bread for quick and easy snacking.
6. Use organic maple syrup as a sweetener. Delicious on baked sweet potatoes.
7. When you crave ice cream – try some almond milk ice cream. Equally as delicious.
8. Call ahead to restaurants to make sure they have gluten-free, vegan meals.
9. If you live in an area where stores aren’t carrying many gluten-free, vegan products and grains, shop on-line for products.
10.When someone asks what you want for xmas, tell them gift certificates to plant-based stores like Whole Foods or Bob’s Red Mill online store.
Hope  this information helps our new vegans on-board and anyone with food allergies. Please share this list with everybody you know, and encourage them to embrace a plant-based diet for the planet, for the animals and most importantly for their health.

How toxic are you?

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following statements.
 Y  N 1. I have taken antibiotics during my life.
  Y  N 2. I have gotten vaccines.
 Y  N 3. I have taken aspirin, or Tylenol, or ibuprofen, or other over-the-counter pain medication.
 Y  N 4. I shower and/or bathe in regular tap water.
  Y  N 5. I drink water out of the tap.
 Y  N 6. I have used plastic containers to heat my food in the microwave.
 Y  N 7. I have been in a swimming pool where chlorine was used.
  Y  N 8. I drive in a car every day.
 Y  N 9. I drive in heavy trafc.
  Y  N 10. I use hair dyes.
 Y  N 11. I use fngernail polish.
 Y  N 12. I use makeup and cosmetics.
 Y  N 13. I use moisturizers, body lotions, and sunscreens on my skin.
 Y  N 14. I use air fresheners in my house.
 Y  N 15. I use bug spray in my house.
 Y  N 16. I use standard cleaning products in my house.
 Y  N 17. I use standard soap and detergent for my skin and my clothes.
 Y  N 18. I use toothpaste with fuoride.
 Y  N 19. I eat in fast-food restaurants at least once a month.
  Y  N 20. I eat in restaurants at least once a month.
 Y  N 21. I eat products produced by large publicly traded corporations.
 Y  N 22. I buy brand-name food products that are heavily advertised on TV.
 Y  N 23. I eat pork and shellfsh.
 Y  N 24. I use artifcial sweeteners such as NutraSweet or Splenda.
 Y  N 25. I drink regular (non-diet) sodas several times a week.
 Y  N 26. I drink diet sodas several times a week.
 Y  N 27. I have fewer than 2 large bowel movements every day.
  Y  N 28. I have taken over-the-counter, nonprescription drugs.
 Y  N 29. I have taken prescription drugs in the last 5 years.
 Y  N 30. I use non-stick pans to cook with.
 Y  N 31. I use deodorant and antiperspirant.
 Y  N 32. I do not drink 8 glasses of purifed water every day.
 Y  N 33. I have never had a colonic or enema.
  Y  N 34. I live near high tension power lines.
 Y  N 35. I use a cellular phone without electromagnetic chaos protection.
  Y  N 36. I use a laptop computer with a wireless device.
  Y  N 37. I use a wireless telephone in my house.
 Y  N 38. I live within a few miles of a manufacturing plant of some kind.
 Y  N 39. I live within 100 miles of an agricultural area where produce is grown.
 Y  N 40. I live within 100 miles of ranches where livestock, cattle, chickens, or other animals are raised.

If you answered yes to any of these questions than you would benefit from celluar cleasning.
I found this article that  sums it all up. If you are suffering from ANY of the following what are you waiting for? Why are you continuing to live your life in pain? It doesn't have to be this way. Reach out for help.
Side Effects Of Being Overweight

Physical Ailments

Some of the physical ailments you may suffer from as a result of excessive weight are;
Accelerated ageingLearning difficulties
AsthmaLeg ulcers
Back acheMacular degeneration
CataractsMale & female infertility
Digestive problemsMenstrual irregularities
Enlarged prostatePolycystic ovarian syndrome
Erectile dysfunctionPoor immune function
FatigueShortness of breath
Gall and kidney stonesSleep apnoea
HerniasUnder-active thyroid
High blood pressureVaricose veins
High cholesterolVitamin D deficiency
Joint and muscle pain 

You may also have an overall feeling of being unwell and not operating at your full potential.

Emotional Issues

Being overweight can affect you emotionally causing periods of depression, anxiety and mood swings. It may also trigger many emotional issues for you such as:
- Embarrassment over your figure
- Anger at yourself for letting yourself end up like this
- Resentment of people who are thinner than you
- A loss of enjoyment in life
- A feeling that you are useless
- A self-defeating attitude….what's the use!

    Increased Risk Of Disease

    Carrying excess fat can also dramatically increase your risk of developing many deadly and debilitating diseases such as:
    Alzheimer’s diseaseLiver cancer
    ArthritisMacular degeneration
    BlindnessNon-Hodgkins lymphoma
    Breast cancerOesophageal cancer
    Cervical cancerOvarian cancer
    Colon cancer (especially in males)Pancreatic cancer
    Endometrial cancerProstate cancer
    Fatty liverSkin cancer
    GangreneSleep apnoea
    Heart attackStroke
    Heart diseaseType 2 diabetes
    Kidney cancerUterine cancer
    Kidney disease & failure
    There is however some good news for you. Weight loss can be an easy process, you just need to make a commitment to yourself to change and believe in yourself that you can change.
    With this commitment and belief in yourself, the next step is easy….and that’s to lose weight by following a program that actually works.
    Isagenix can change your life. What are you waiting for? Contact me to day and join me on a healthy new way of life.

    Thursday, June 19, 2014

    Do you suffer from joint and muscles pain?

    Have you ever suffered from joint and muscle pain? You know you don't have to suffer. Have you been  stopped by pain from doing the things you love? Well you don't have to suffer anymore.

    Are you ready for summer?

    What do you think of when the weather gets nicer? Beach, vacation, or OMG what will I look like in my bathing suit? How many times do you just settle on an outfit because you can't fit into the one you really what? So when is enough,enough? When do you take back your life and get the body you really want?

    Wednesday, June 18, 2014

    Why I decided to cleanse

      I decided to  try a celluar cleasne because I needed to get healthly.  I have so many people ask what I've been  doing to  lose weight. I'm so excited to share with everyone however,  I want to say Isagenix is much more than shakes. Most people think oh its just another protein shake. Its some much more. The meal replacement shakes are all natural, no GMOs, and gluten free. Each shake has 24 grams of undenatured whey protein from New Zealand, so the shakes actually fill you up. Literally the best possible product…no hormones, no nasty chemicals that your body was never meant to ingest.You won't be hungry for a couple of hours. In between your meals to keep your energy and sugar levels regular you can enjoy several different snack options isagenix offers, including chocolates.
       This company has solutions to every issue you may have, so it takes the guess work out of what products you need. They have created several options that are geared towards everyones  specific goals.  Whether you are ready to jump in with both feet and make this a life change, or just want to dip your toes in before heading to the deep end…there is a system that is right for you.  Both physically and financially. You may choose to share your results with friends and family to get your products paid for. Not only will you be changing others life but getting paid to do it. Wow! It's a win win. When's the last time you went into a grocery store or restaurant and actually ate for free and was paid for your friend to eat too.
      The number one reason, that I use Isagenix and will continue to …is that it works.  It’s not a diet, it’s not a get skinny quick system…although it does happen…it is a lifestyle.  Like any method of nutrition, you need to supply your body with proper nutrition.  I am living  proof that it works. 
      Isagenix offers solutions for :
     * weight loss
    * energy and performance
    * health aging
    * wealth creation
    Which area of your life are you wanting help with?

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014

    Perspective........ what do you invest your hard earned money in??

    With all the chemicals in the air, food, drinks, skin care products, cleaning products, medication by products, and stress, everything stays trapped in our cells. All of these toxins are changing our DNA and are being linked to health issues. We must cleanse our cells in order for our bodies to perform as they were interned.
    Our health is directly related to our choices! Reach out to me if you're ready to take your life back!!

    Sunday, June 15, 2014

    Want to spice up your life and boost your metabolism?

    Who doesn't want a little spice in their life?

       Try a little cayenne pepper to foods like vegetables, turkey, chicken, even tuna. This will improve your circulation,ulcers, heart health, and help fight prostate cancer.
       Having problems with bloating, gas, or stomach upset ? Add ginger to your daily diet. This spicy herb could be used grated or sliced and added to a savory or sweet recipe or even drank as a tea.
        Oh cinnamon my personal favorite. I add this to my shakes. Also great on oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt, and veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots. Love it!  This bad boy helps reduce inflammation, blood triglyceride levels, and even lower blood sugar. Not to mention it's a wonderful source of maganese, iron, and calcium.
          Oregano is another one that is a must have in my kitchen. Being a pizza lover gotta have it. Also great for stews and sauces. Never realized before that oregano leaves and oil are used to treat cough, fever, congestion, and body aches. Not to mention has antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, and antibiotic properties. Wow! That's pretty interesting.
         A great spice to add to your soups, salads, sauces, pasta, meats, and even pizza - basil.  Your body can be protected by premature aging, some cancers, and common skin problems, with powerful antioxidants.
       A popular herb used to season sauces, soups, salads and pasta dishes, basil is known to have exceptionally powerful antioxidant properties that can protect the body from premature aging, common skin issues and some types of cancer. 

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    These are the photos of the start of my journey to a healthy new way of life. Someone please pinch me. I feel like I'm dreaming. When I made the decision to get heathly I had hoped to lose weight.  I guess I really hadn't thought about how I would look and feel when I did.

    Tuesday, June 10, 2014

    When will you open your brown box?

    A little over 7 weeks ago I received a box at my door that was life changing.
    The box that arrived at my door has changed my life forever. 
    My body has never felt better;
    My sleep has improved tremendously;
    My body is shrinking;
    My focus on life has changed; and 
    The most important thing was that when I started putting good nutrition into my body it allowed me to see the world more clearly and share this gift with so many others which has put me on the road to financial freedom. 

    I am truly grateful for this gift that I have been given.

    14. Stuff iceberg lettuce leaves with chopped ripe tomatoes and cucumbers and a dollop of hummus.
    15. Dip sugar snap peas in a mixture of Greek yogurt and a bit of jarred pesto.
    16. Chickpea Poppers: Thoroughly dry canned chickpeas. Spritz with extra-virgin olive oil, season with dried oregano and garlic salt and roast at 400° until crisp.
    17. Spread granny smith apple wedges with chunky cashew butter and top with toasted sesame seeds.
    18. Fill endive spears with chopped Bosc pears and season with balsamic vinegar.
    19. No-Chop Gazpacho: Combine tomato juice, cucumber, bell peppers and onion in a mini chopper, and then pulse just until chunky. Add a splash of red wine vinegar.
    20. Cut jicama into sticks, squeeze liberally with lime juice and dip in a sauce of chunky almond butter, honey and fresh ginger.
    21. Combine finely chopped broccoli, multicolored bell peppers and scallions with Greek yogurt and a dash of prepared horseradish. Keep a bag of baby carrots close by.

    22. 1-2-3 Thai Slaw: Open a bag of shredded carrots; dress lightly with toasted sesame oil, lime juice, olive oil, honey and a dash of cayenne pepper. Toss in chopped salted peanuts.
    23. Shred iceberg lettuce into tuna salad and eat on thick-cut organic or homemade bread-and-butter pickles.
    24. Deviled Eggs: Replace mayo with Greek yogurt to make deviled eggs. Fold a handful of finely chopped watercress and a pinch of Old Bay seasoning into the yolks.
    25. Stuffed Figs: Split plump dried figs and stuff with toasted hazelnuts.
    26. Halve a cup of cherry tomatoes and drizzle them with olive oil.
    27. Sneak some finely chopped swiss chard into your pesto, and then spoon onto garlic pita chips.
    28. Indian-Spiced Cashews: Toss raw cashews in coconut oil and curry powder and roast at 160° until golden.
    29. Sushi Stick: Roll up sliced avocado, cucumber spears and brown rice in a nori sheet and eat with pickled ginger.
    30. Fruit Compote: Choose 1 cup of- either blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, apple.  Mix 1 cup of fruit with olive oil, cinnamon and a touch of stevia if desired and pan-fry until they're on the brink of bursting, then gobble up while warm.
    1. Stuffed Mushrooms: Briefly roast button mushroom caps until softened. Fill with jarred pesto and a little chopped turkey.
    2. Smoked Turkey Pinwheels: Spread a layer of hummus on sliced smoked turkey breast and top with thinly sliced tomato. Roll up and cut into 1-inch pieces.
    3. Spruce up a shot of tomato juice by topping it with finely chopped cooked shrimp, scallions and crumbled saltines.
    4. Whisk together almond butter, tamari and a few drops of water. Use as an Asian-style dip for baby bok choy.
    5. Five-Spice Pumpkin Seeds: Toss salted pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas) with sesame oil and Chinese five-spice powder, then bake at 160° until crisp.
    10. Turn cucumber slices into crackers: Spread them with olive tapenade and garnish with chopped fresh tarragon.
    11. Dunk root veggie chips (such as Terra chips) into low-fat sour cream seasoned with hot sauce and orange zest.
    12. Ants on a Log: Stuff celery sticks with cashew butter and dot with dried currants.
    13. Mix crisp and spicy jarred corn relish with chopped tomatoes and cilantro; eat with rice cracker.

    This was a great find for snack ideas

    All of these snacks are for shake/meal days only! :)

    A good rule of thumb is that a "snack" is typically mid morning and mid afternoon. I eat about every 2-3 hours- shake, shake, meal- with snacking in between.

    The size of your snack matters, especially if you're wanting to release pounds and inches.

    Typically a snack is about 5-10 bites of something or a cup measured out.


    1. Homemade nut mix Combine ALL RAW- walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans pepitas, sunflower seeds, carob chips and dried chopped Plum Amazins.
    2. Tamari-seasoned rice crackers are a salt lover's vehicle for tuna salad. We like to punch it up with a squeeze of Sriracha chili sauce!
    3. Mound chopped smoked salmon onto lettuce leaf and top with dill.
    4. Sprinkle drained canned artichoke hearts with lemon zest, capers, chopped fresh basil and olive oil. Eat with toothpicks.

    Great snack ideas.

    • ½ IsaLean Shake
    • ½ IsaLean Bar
    • 1 Slimcake
    • 1 FiberPro Bar
    • 2 tbsp. IsaCrunch
    • A few Isagenix Snacks, chocolate or vanilla, with 8oz. of purified water
    • 5-10 raw almonds
    • 1 egg
    • 1 cup cucumbers, sliced
    • A small organic salad with favorite organic salad dressing
    • 1 cup of fresh melon or blueberries, raspberries
    • 1 small apple, sliced
    • ½ cup cooked brown rice or quinoa
    • A slice of nitrite-free, hormone-free turkey
    • 1 stalk of celery with organic almond butter
    • 3 oz. of grilled, organic chicken
    • ½ cup of fat-free organic yogurt with ½ berries
    • ½ cup fat-free organic cottage cheese
    I'm always looking for new recipes and exercises. Isn't everyone ? Well this is an awesome site to check out.

    Check it out and let me know what you think.
    For anyone who has ever felt hopeless about losing weight  and wants to get their self confidence back this video is for you. Watch Jill Births amazing transformation. Warning: get a tissue.

    Monday, June 9, 2014

    How many of you put off something today to do tomorrow? I recently had a dear friend of mine father past away,  who was severely overweight with diabetes. Are you unhealthy or know a loved one overweight and then unhealthy? Some things just can't wait for tomorrow. Make today the day you change your life or the life of someone you care about.

    Thursday, June 5, 2014

    It's really nice to wake up in the morning and get dressed when I can actually fit in my clothes. They are actually to big. I'm going to have to go shopping but I really wanted to wait until I made it to my goal weight. Trust me I'm not complaining. If shopping for clothes is a side effect of my cleanse then so be it.

    Wednesday, June 4, 2014

    I'm cleansing, eating heathly, and exercising. Well now I just found this challenge and thought why not. I've been able to jog since I started losing weight and I figured I should keep adding to my everyday exercise. I encourage you to make an exercise goal for yourself and go for it. Live everyday to its fullest.

    Tuesday, June 3, 2014

    I have found a new love, cauliflower pizza. I'm excited that I can actually eat pizza and it's healthy! I load it with veggies and a little feta cheese. AWESOME. I've also been surprised to try sweet potato chips with a little garlic. Yum!
    Who wants this??