Technically it can be considered fasting as you are giving your body a break from digesting food. The best analogy that I can use to describe cleansing is to imaging that a grocery store closed for a week but all of the employees still showed up to work as usual that week. This may seem insane because without customers the store would go out of business, but if there were no customers to deal with and clean up after for a whole week a lot of things could get done that there normally isn't time to do. Every inch of the floor could be cleaned and polished, all of the walls could be re-painted, all of the old electrical wiring could be stripped out and replaced with faster and more energy efficient wiring that would eventually save the store a lot of money in the long run, and when the week was over it would look like a brand new store on the inside and they could have a "grand re-opening". This is exactly what will happen to the inside of your body if you cleanse after having eaten a poor diet for several years. At a grocery store the customers come first and in the human body digesting food comes first, so if there is no food to digest for 2 days your body won't simply take time off and do nothing, but will instead in it's infinite wisdom spend that time working on things that it normally doesn't have time to deal with because there is constantly new food entering the body that needs to be digested, assimilated, and eliminated. This is what cellular cleansing can do for you.
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